Sunday, May 17, 2009

Signs of Summer

A friend of mine told me that she uses her blog for a journal. I used to use my missionary emails for my journal, but since I'm between missionaries I decided to try and blog more. It is a fun way to save history with pictures. I've even printed my blogs and put a copy in my journal. Thanks Karri for the idea.
I'm so glad that spring/summer is finally here. (I hope there isn't snow tomorrow because I said that) The trees are leafing out and flowers blooming. Doug has planted the garden. I'm glad he takes on that project. It is a lot of work for him, but we really do enjoy the fresh vegetables. My work starts later when the picking and canning time starts. I always like to see the bottles of food filling the shelves. It's a secure feeling.

Scott helped me get the patio furniture out and arranged. We'll be getting the pond and waterfall going soon. Doug placed the bird feeder by the deck this year and I've had fun watching the little finches. The other day there were three yellow finches and one red perched on the railing and feeder. I wished I could have gotten a picture of them. Now we just need more time to go out and enjoy!

This time of year also means the end of the school year. I've enjoyed teaching 6th grade and the time has gone by so quickly. Still I'm ready for a break and my "summer to do list" grows longer every day. I'll have to add "get a missionary ready" to that list. Daren's mission call should be coming sometime this week. I'm excited and anxious to see where he will be going. Then I'll be back to missionary emails.


  1. He said that it might come this week. I am excited to hear. He will be a great missionary. We enjoyed both him and Scott here the other night. They are good boys!

  2. Glad to see that you are catching the blogging bug!!!!!
