Friday, July 26, 2013

Redfish Adventure 2013

The annual Redfish Trip was planned for Monday, July 15 Through Thursday the 25th .  We decided to extend the time and stay 10 days this year.  We were excited that all the kids were coming sometime during our stay (except Scott of course).

Daren, Marlene and Emma made the trek from Montana on Monday and stayed until Sunday.  It was sure fun to play with our little sweetheart of a granddaughter.  She is growing so quickly. 

Reed came over on Tuesday and brought the boat with him.  He had the entire time off work and we were so glad to have him around.  He was a lot of help around camp and at the beach.

Rod, Steph and Maya  arrived early Friday morning.  We were surprised to see them when we arrived at the beach but so happy to have them there.

The Blacks were already there and Art and Joyce Knowles followed us over.  We had a blast boating, skiing, and playing in the water.  The days were extremely hot and the water seemed warmer this year.  At times the beach was empty and everyone was in the water. 

So many good memories are made from soft serve ice cream, guppy cups, RAGE games, “and colored campfires.  We look forward to this time each year. There are so many pictures to choose from and I want to add as many as possible.  DSCN0726_thumb1DSCN0735_thumb4IMG_0959_thumb5IMG_0991_thumbIMG_1066_thumb1IMG_1072_thumb1IMG_1086_thumbIMG_1129_thumb


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