Sunday, February 19, 2012


As I was dusting the other day, I noticed that someone had rearranged the letter frames in the living room.  No one has taken credit for the act so far and there have been a lot of friends of the kids coming and going lately, but it got me to thinking.    They are arranged to read “I’m a Fly”.  A fly is a common insect and unwanted pest, however a family can be anything but common and is wanted by everyone.


What does it take to make FAMILY?

Faith in God!  A shared belief in a plan that extends beyond this life where families are central to happiness is very important to us.

Altogether for Eternity. That knowledge that Families are Forever helps me through tough times and gives me assurance and hope for the future.  I especially love this knowledge as the family grows with daughter-in-laws and grandchildren. 

Multiply.  I always wondered how I could love a husband or new baby more than  the moment of marriage or birth.  Then another child is added and there is always enough love to share.  As each child, in-law, and grandchild is added the love just multiplies and never diminishes. 

Individual Personalities.  It would be so boring if every member of the family were the same.  Each persons adds to flavor the mix and we enjoy each blessing from Reed’s hearty laugh (he makes watching a movie more enjoyable) to Rod’s quirky sense of humor.  Daren has a very compassionate side and Scott is always looking for ways to help. 

Love!!!  With all of the different personalities and interests, the binding element is LOVE.  We would do anything for each other.

YES!  A family is the most wonderful gift our Father in Heaven could bless us with here on earth and my greatest desire is to be with all of them through eternity. 

So I have rearranged the letters to once again spell family and that is what is MOST IMPORTANT!



  1. What a neat thought. If I was still the bishop I'd ask you to talk about the family. Lucky you.

  2. That is beautiful, Ann! And so well written - you should give that in a talk, even if big bro isn't still the Bishop!

    Love you all!
