Saturday, August 20, 2011

Another Fun Year at REDFISH

RedfishRedfish 079We spent our family vacation at Redfish again this year from July 20-26.  We had everyone there except Daren, of course.  We are looking forward to him being with us next year.  With the late summer the water seemed a little colder. (If you can compare cold water. Redfish is always chilly)  That didn’t stop us from enjoying the beach and boating.  Everyone boarded and tubed and played in the water. Evenings were spent biking, playing games and visiting.



DSC01656DSC01639Redfish 058Rod boardin'Scott boardin'Redfish 565Redfish 555Redfish 566Rod swingScott swing



Redfish 007The funny and memorable event this year was with the squirrels.  On Friday the weather was cloudy and a little cooler.  Rod had gone boarding that morning and was covered in a blanket.  Steph was sitting next to him.

Redfish 016The squirrels are quite the scavengers and will climb into your bags and the kids like to get them to come to their hands and eat.  They are quite brave and will climb right into your lap.  All of a sudden, Steph let out a little scream and through the blanket.  A squirrel had climbed inside and bit/scratched her toe.  When she jumped it went on Rod’s lap and started to scratch trying to get out of the blanket. 

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  Now Steph and Rod were out for revenge.  They started plotting on how to catch the squirrel and throw it in the water.  They finally came up with the idea to set up a trap using a beach towel with food in the middle.  They positioned themselves on each end in beach chairs.  When the squirrel came onto the towel, they flung it through the air into the water.  Scott was video taping the event, but we weren’t expecting thing to go so well and the laughing kind of altered the movie.  The squirrel was safe and swam to the shore where he scurried quickly to his home.  The scene was replayed the next day by some of the other boys and we laughed anew. 

As always the company was GREAT!  We have a great time with the Black family and feel like we belong.  The Knowles went along this year.  They are always good for an adventure and that makes everything exciting.  If you can be outdoors, Joyce will love it.  She was one of the first to jump in and ski.  What more could we ask for than

 family, friends, and food.Redfish 083Redfish 064


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We have so many good memories to keep for a lifetime!

Steph and Rod 2My Men

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