Tuesday, April 6, 2010

SNOW DAY in April???

Last night some enormous snowflakes started falling and soon we had snow piling up. It was pretty, but in April! The wind really started to blow through the night and this morning there was a pleasant surprise. The phone rang with the message of NO SCHOOL. There is 6 inches of snow and some drifting. Apparantly the snow plows were put away for the year and so they couldn't get things plowed to get the buses out in time. DARN! It will be nice to enjoy the day with the family. So many things I could do...I have cinammon rolls rising and just enjoying staying in where it is warm and dry. Such a nice gift for Rod's birthday. He is 23 today. He is a great son and I'm glad he lives nearby. I love his and Steph's visits.


  1. Hey Ann! Glad you found my blog. I didn't know you had one. Sad you don't visit me anymore.
