Friday, July 20, 2012


Maya Lynn Rockwood was born on July 19, 2012 at 7:53 p.m.  She weighed 7 pounds 1 ounce and is 21 inches long.  AND SHE IS GORGEOUS.  I fell in love the moment I saw her. 

2012-07-20 11.18.57

She has been so good and doesn’t hardly make a peep.  She stayed awake after birth for over an hour and looked around as everyone took a turn to cuddle. 

2012-07-19 20.12.042012-07-19 20.12.352012-07-19 20.14.222012-07-19 20.14.432012-07-19 20.15.592012-07-19 20.18.122012-07-19 20.19.192012-07-19 20.18.382012-07-19 21.43.38-12012-07-19 20.35.56

Stephanie did so well too.  She invited the Grandmas to stay in during delivery with her and Rod, while the Grandpa’s waited outside the door.  That was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.  It is indescribable the pure joy and instant love that overcomes you.  I was on such a natural high that I couldn’t sleep that night.  Being a Grandma is by far the best!  This is as close to heaven as you can get on earth. 

Thanks Rod and Stephanie.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Schwieder Reunion 2012

We just finished a fun-filled weekend at the farm with all of my family for the Schwieder Reunion.  The theme this year was “Fun At The Farm”.  We shared many memories of growing up on the farm. There were 56 in attendance (13 of 19 grandchildren & 23 of 31 great grand-children and 4 more on the way).  The family has grown over the years.  We missed all of those who live away from home and could not attend.  DSCN0133We camped, played, and ate. There were so many activities to choose from, miniature golf, hawks and knives, crafts, games, catching butterflies, and playing in the wheat. All of the kids spent hours on the teeter-totter and toys. We also had an outdoor, late night movie.  Hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves.


The zip-line was a HUGE hit.  The kids would wait in line for their turn to ride down and then have a four-wheeler ride back to the top.  It kept the adults busy hauling them.  Grandpa and Grandma Schwieder even took their turn to ride.


We had one of the hottest days of the summer so far and not much of a breeze, but we stayed shaded up.  The massive water fight cooled things down a bit as well. 


There was also excitement when Uncle Doug brought out the BIG tractor for rides.  Clapping hands and smiles greeted him.


Although it was a little big, noisy, and scary for a few of the little ones.


Abe was happy with whatever “actor” he found.


We also celebrated Scott’s 19th birthday while we were there.  He is the youngest grandchild.  We are going to really miss him for the next two years!!!


We love our family and it was so good to have so many of them share the time playing together.