Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Birthday Blessings

I have been dreading the big "5-0" for at least the past 364 days. For some reason the thoughts have been depressing. I told Doug I just wanted to go away for the day, but we didn't get away quick enough. Saturday night Mom had a family party for all of the June birthdays in the family. It was fun to be together, but there were a few hints to the BIG day which only increased the foreboding. I had thought about leaving on Sunday night, but I was suppose to go to a Young Women practice and so I postponed until Monday. That gave all of the friends a window of opportunity to sneak over and bring the party - cake, hats, presents, and black roses. It was fun but it felt good to still say it wasn't my birthday YET!

Monday morning dawned and I was up early and headed for the grocery store. I decided to go to the farm and spend the day with Doug and Scott. At first I didn't even want to answer the phone and I felt a little depressed. Then I decided to just get busy and forget about it. That was a good idea since the day went by much better.

We spent the morning working around the trailer. Doug hooked onto the old wooden deck and pulled it away. The area is really looking good and I love to go and stay. It is entertaining to watch the little goldfinches and blue buntings come to the birdfeeder. There is a peace that comes from enjoying the quiet solitude of nature.

After lunch we went for a 4-wheeler ride. It was a 30 mile trip up Rash Canyon. I traversed the creek countless times and bounced over rocks and tree roots until finally coming to a muddy, steep, narrow slope where I stopped and called it quits. It was a beautiful sunny day and a perfect activity.

We returned to the trailer to have a cookout. Reed showed up and later Rod and Steph came. We visited around the fire and had a fun time together. I also got a card from Daren that Reed called and read to me at 11:00 p.m. The perfect end to a good day.
I have decided it doesn't matter how old I am as long as I have my family and friends. To celebrate my birthday I decided to think of 50 things that I am grateful for and that bring me happiness. I'm sure I could list more and they are not in any particular order.

1. My wonderful husband who puts up with my moods, projects, requests, and problems.
2. Four super boys that take good care of their mother.
3. My Savior, Jesus Christ who answers my prayers and boosts my spirits.
4. Parents who have had unconditional love for me for 50 years.
5. Missionaries especially the one who serves from my home.
6. FRIENDS - who are there with a smile and a helping hand
7. Babies - they are an elixir for happiness. I can't pass by one with out smiling.
8. Nature and the beauty of God's creations.
9. The farm, one of my favorite places to be. It holds so many memories.
10. Teaching - it brings me such joy and satisfaction to see others learn and I always learn too.
11. Children and their acceptance and forgiveness.
12. Sports that I can watch the kids or watch with them or talk about with them.
13. Technology - I can be a computer geek.
14. Weather - Rain to water the crops, flowers, lawn and us. Sunshine to help everything grow. I don't like wind unless I have a windmill.
15. Church callings that make me stretch and grow.
16. Sweets - I like these a little too much.
17. Books
18. Ancestors that left a legacy to follow.
19. Neighbors, I have some of the best anywhere to be found and some of them are relatives as well.
20. Camping in my trailer.
21. Fishing with the boys.
22. My warm, comfortable home.
23. Jobs to provide for our needs and wants
24. Crocheting that keeps my hands moving and my brain thinking.
25. Car rides to see new things and places.
26. Lunch out with the girls.
27. Missionary letters - Wednesdays are wonderful.
28. Hugs from my hubby, my boys, my parents, my kids, etc.
29. Electricity, I wouldn't have been a good pioneer.
30. 4-wheeler rides.
31. Flowers.
32. Listening to music and playing the piano (except when playing for others).
33. The smell of baking bread.
34. Siblings who are next door or on the phone. I wish Janet was closer!
35. Daughter-in-laws (I have one of the best and hope to have 3 more terrific girls)
36. The Book of Mormon
37. My wonderful In-laws who have always accepted and loved me as part of the family.
38. Watching the kids ski and wakeboard and wishing I could still get up.
39. Sitting around the campfire with friends and family.
40. Summer Vacation (3 months to catch-up and squeeze in all of the fun and play that I can)
41. A clean house and to know that I am able to work.
42. My health - there are aches and pains, but I am so grateful not to have serious health problems.
43. My eyes to be able to see all of the above.
44. A beautiful sunset.
45. Traveling to far away places with family and friends.
46. The flag and the freedoms of living in the United States.
47. Sunday to attend my church meetings and recharge for a new week.
48. Extended family, aunts, uncles, cousins, neices, nephews.
49. Pictures and memories of days gone by.
50. Birthdays - It means I'm still alive to enjoy all of these wonders.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Memorial Day Camping

We spent the Memorial Day Weekend at Buffalo Campground in Island Park with the Black Family. I'm so glad that Scott will still go with us. He's great to have around. Rod and Steph came up for a couple nights and Reed fit in a night with his busy schedule. Typically it is a rainy weekend and this year it was no exception. It was still fun to be with the kids and together. We watched movies, played games, went for a ride and visited with friends and family. Can't complain about those activities,
rain or shine!

We played a "Minute to Win It" game around the campfire. You put an Oreo cookie on your forehead between your eyes and without using your hands try and move it to your mouth. It was a lot of fun to watch everyone try. We also enjoyed eating the cookies and other goodies.